Start Loving the Home You're In, Now!

Start Loving the Home You're In, Now!

I recently attended an author chat at Maria Bello’s fabulous Hollywood Hills home. Tucked away in her impressive open-landscape backyard overlooking gorgeous views of the Valley, sat Maria’s Literary Salon – an intimate library studio dedicated to the arts featuring floor-to-ceiling bookshelves stacked with colorful books by both iconic and lesser-known writers. The space bellowed with inspiration and the call to dream big. On this particular day, Maria sat down with venture catalyst, investor and author Arlan Hamilton to discuss her latest book, Your First Million. At one point Arlan spoke to the audience and said, “It’s okay to want what you want and want it now.” And it’s so true.
As a real estate professional and lover of all things home and beautiful aesthetics, I couldn’t get over how Maria found her corner of the world in this big chaotic city and turned it into her private sanctuary of books, stories and authors whom she not only admires but who make her happy.
Whether it’s books, antiques, modern touches or finishes, we all deserve to live in a space that inspires our senses and ignites our curiosities.
As spring approaches, now is the perfect time to check in with your home and identify what it would take to make it your sanctuary. Declutter, organize and start loving the home you’re in today. And if you are so inclined, do yourself a favor and add that home project you’ve been dying to do to the top of your list.
For homeowners, I have a massive pro-tip for you. If you have an idea but are not sure how to execute it or who to hire, ASK ME! I have a list of trusted contractors, vendors and designers who I am confident can help make your dreams come true.
Here are 3 ways you can reimagine your space and create new experiences in your home that bring you deep joy.
  1. Hire an interior designer to help you flesh out and execute your aesthetic vision
  2. Add a fresh coat of paint to the walls (or better yet, fall in love with wallpaper)
  3. Renovate and remodel spaces that bring you angst or that don’t work
What’s great about these 3 tips? Whether you own or rent, you can instantly add value to your home while also reaping the benefits of appreciating – and truly loving – the place you call home.

Your Vision, My Expertise

Whether you’re buying a first home, investment property, pied-à-terre or selling a home with the intention to refine your portfolio, we know exactly what it takes to deliver optimal results in the game of real estate.

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